Welcome To
Human Design America

The official website for Human Design publishing and education.
Human Design America is an accredited national organization
licensed by Ra Uru Hu and Jovian Archive to represent the Human Design System in the United States.

Join us to learn more about Human Design and explore our educational courses.

Visit our online store for printed books, digital books as well as online streaming audio library, which can help you become a certified Human Design professional.

Discover yourself

Introducing Human Design

Human Design is a language and system of classifications, visually representing human experience. Its many components represent different aspects of how we function. It names our feelings and offers insights into how different parts of us work.

Each of us is unique. We are meant to specialize and play specific roles. Our capability for genuine action and self expression comes from an inner truth and strength within each of us. There is potential for great power and magnificence in all of us. Read more about the Human Design System here.

What Is A Human Design chart?

Individual Designs depict people’s unique configurations. We are happy and successful when our interactions and commitments are in alignment with our inherent nature and capabilities. The information in a chart can help us prioritize which internal voices and feelings to listen to.

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Your chart has a unique configuration, which provides helpful information for your empowerment, as you strive to fulfill your life-purpose.

About Human Design AMERICA

Human Design America has been established in 1990 by Genoa Bliven a direct student of Ra Uru Hu.
Since then Human Design America has been producing events, courses and publishing books,
audio books as well as ebooks about the Human Design system.
Learn more about the people behind Human Design America below.
You can read about the entire team by clicking here.

Study with Human Design College

The Human Design School was established by Ra Uru Hu, who appointed Genoa Bliven as its head teacher. The Human Design College  is run by Human Design America, the national organization licensed by Ra Uru Hu and Jovian Archive to represent the Human Design System in the United States.

You can take courses for your own empowerment and personal growth. Many people are attracted to our program because they have had awakening experiences and want to deepen their self-understanding and communication with others.

We run a full educational program, where you can train to become an internationally recognized & certified Human Design Professional.
Learn more about our Educational curriculum.

Our unique approach supports your authentic self-expression and the actualization of your full potential, both in your personal life and in the helping professions.

upcoming courses

Our syllabus currently offers two educational pathways in the Human Design system. You can study for your own personal growth or to become a certified Human Design Professional.

upcoming foundation courses

upcoming analyst training

the human design system

Human Design differentiates people using the concepts of Definition and Openness. Definition represents an internal activation in the individual. It brings the potential for consistent development and expression of its qualities.

Undefined aspects are receptive. They have the potential to be open and experience the Defined energy of others. When people interact, an exchange takes place. People take in and feel Defined aspects through their open ones.
Below are the four main chapters you can use to gain deeper insight into the Human Design System.
Read more about the Human Design system here.

The bodygraph is your gate into the wisdom of Human Design. It’s primary elements are the nine Centers represented by the square, and triangular or diamond-shaped areas within the chart.

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The Nine Centers are represented by nine geometric shapes, and are the primary building blocks of a chart. Centers can be Defined (colored in) or Undefined (white).

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The Human Design System groups people into one of four categories called Types: Manifestors, Generators, Projectors and Reflectors.

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The Mandala is subdivided into 64 partitions that represent Gates. The 64 Gates correspond to the 64 Hexagrams of the I’Ching. Each Gate number has a fixed location in the Bodygraph and the Mandala.

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The bodygraph is your gate into the wisdom of Human Design. It’s primary elements are the nine Centers represented by the square, and triangular or diamond-shaped areas within the chart.

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The Nine Centers are represented by nine geometric shapes, and are the primary building blocks of a chart. Centers can be Defined (colored in) or Undefined (white).

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The Human Design System groups people into one of four categories called Types: Manifestors, Generators, Projectors and Reflectors.

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The Mandala is subdivided into 64 partitions that represent Gates. The 64 Gates correspond to the 64 Hexagrams of the I’Ching. Each Gate number has a fixed location in the Bodygraph and the Mandala.

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