
The Manifestor is one of the four Types, and makes up 8% of the population. This is a recording of Ra Uru Hu talking to a roomful of Manifestors about their gifts and true potential, as well as their trials and tribulations. Ra Uru Hu’s original presentation on Manifestors, reference material for the Living Your Design course.

MP3 Audio
1 Hour
by Ra Uru Hu

01 - Introduction - How Manifestors are Different
02 - The Manifestor Child
03 - Manifestors in History
04 - Technical Definition
05 - Living out Manifestor Nature
06 - Strategy, Adult & Child
07 - Asking Permission
08 - Strategy to Inform
09 - Open Sacral Conditioning
10 - Sleep
11 - Sexual Conditioning
12 - Female Manifestors
13 - Communication
14 - Nature of Rejection
15 - Impact of Manifestors
16 - Experimenting
17 - Closing
This is a sample preview of the audio file. The full track / album will be available to you after purchase. Thank you for your understanding.


01 - Introduction - How Manifestors are Different
02 - The Manifestor Child
03 - Manifestors in History
04 - Technical Definition
05 - Living out Manifestor Nature
06 - Strategy, Adult & Child
07 - Asking Permission
08 - Strategy to Inform
09 - Open Sacral Conditioning
10 - Sleep
11 - Sexual Conditioning
12 - Female Manifestors
13 - Communication
14 - Nature of Rejection
15 - Impact of Manifestors
16 - Experimenting
17 - Closing
This is a sample preview of the audio file. The full track / album will be available to you after purchase. Thank you for your understanding.


The Manifestor is one of the four Types, and makes up 8% of the population. This is a recording of Ra Uru Hu talking to a roomful of Manifestors about their gifts and true potential, as well as their trials and tribulations…

01 - Introduction - How Manifestors are Different
02 - The Manifestor Child
03 - Manifestors in History
04 - Technical Definition
05 - Living out Manifestor Nature
06 - Strategy, Adult & Child
07 - Asking Permission
08 - Strategy to Inform
09 - Open Sacral Conditioning
10 - Sleep
11 - Sexual Conditioning
12 - Female Manifestors
13 - Communication
14 - Nature of Rejection
15 - Impact of Manifestors
16 - Experimenting
17 - Closing
This is a sample preview of the audio file. The full track / album will be available to you after purchase. Thank you for your understanding.
