
The Projector is one of the four Types, and makes up 20% of the population. The gift of the Projector is to work with and guide the energy of others. This is a recording of Ra Uru Hu talking to a roomful of Projectors about how to live correctly as one. Ra Uru Hu’s original presentation on Projectors, recommended for Living Your Design students.

MP3 Audio
1 Hour
by Ra Uru Hu

01 - Conditioned by Energy Types
02 - How Projectors are Different
03 - Projectors and Conditioning
04 - Intellectual Involvement-Wisdom in Openness
05 - The Projector Child
06 - Recognition & Bitterness
07 - Sleep
08 - Projector Strategy
09 - Types of Projectors
10 - The Classic Projector
11 - Authority
12 - Energy Projectors
13 - Emotional Projectors
14 - Closing
This is a sample preview of the audio file. The full track / album will be available to you after purchase. Thank you for your understanding.


01 - Conditioned by Energy Types
02 - How Projectors are Different
03 - Projectors and Conditioning
04 - Intellectual Involvement-Wisdom in Openness
05 - The Projector Child
06 - Recognition & Bitterness
07 - Sleep
08 - Projector Strategy
09 - Types of Projectors
10 - The Classic Projector
11 - Authority
12 - Energy Projectors
13 - Emotional Projectors
14 - Closing
This is a sample preview of the audio file. The full track / album will be available to you after purchase. Thank you for your understanding.


The Projector is one of the four Types, and makes up 20% of the population. The gift of the Projector is to work with and guide the energy of others. This is a recording of Ra Uru Hu talking to a roomful of Projectors about how to live correctly as one.

MP3 Audio
1 Hour
by Ra Uru Hu

01 - Conditioned by Energy Types
02 - How Projectors are Different
03 - Projectors and Conditioning
04 - Intellectual Involvement-Wisdom in Openness
05 - The Projector Child
06 - Recognition & Bitterness
07 - Sleep
08 - Projector Strategy
09 - Types of Projectors
10 - The Classic Projector
11 - Authority
12 - Energy Projectors
13 - Emotional Projectors
14 - Closing
This is a sample preview of the audio file. The full track / album will be available to you after purchase. Thank you for your understanding.
