Carl Johnson

Human Design Teacher
Living Your Design Teacher & Guide

Professional Certifications: 
Living Your Design Guide, Living Your Design Teacher, Analyst

Classes offered: Living Your Design

Overview review: $69
Foundation reading; $295

Type: Projector
Profile: 2/5
Location: Boquete, Panama

I came into the world at the lake Charles Louisiana at 8:54 PM on March 26, 1955. My fathers side of the family was Cajun , European and African. My mothers side of the family was Castilian Spanish and English. It was a culturally diverse childhood.

During the summer and most weekends we lived on the Calcasieu River on a swamp. From a very early age my parents allowed us to roam in nature, foraging, exploring, swimming and just having fun. I had a very extended family and we spent lots of time together.

Underlying those wonderful memories, there was a darker side. Alcoholism, child abuse, and poverty. All fodder for growth once I had my awakening and started to heal.

I was very rebellious as a child and did not want to be gender controlled or controlled in any way for that matter. I was also an avid learner and perfectionist. During my teenage years I became more radical and intelligent enough to fly under the radar.

February 22, 1986,10:30 in the morning my life changed. I experienced an uncalled for radical spiritual awakening. With qualities of uncontrolled debilitating energy coming into my body, then complete peace, experiencing light and into the eternal void.

The process happened twice and I knew first hand the qualities of an existence beyond this life integrated into the body. This started a continual spiritual journey where I explored many spiritual traditions, journeys and processes. Some of which included, Maharaji, Sai Baba, 12 step programs, Brother Charles /Synchronicity, Mata Amritananda Mayi, and many forms of therapy and body work.

In April 2009 I met Human Design through a reflector named Lippy. He introduced me to my first teacher. For the next several years Stephen Rebollido fulfilled my obsessive learning and we became friends. I have benefited from the courses of Genoa Bliven, Lasita Shalev, Darshana Mathews, Randy Richmond, and of course the revelatory genius behind it all… Ra Uru Hu. I listened to every class I could including lectures online and Human Design radio. Through Human Design I found validation for my uniqueness and it explained my search through many spiritual paths. Now, I had a self directed awakening I could call my own.

While living on KAUAI in 2011 I was introduced to Genoa Bliven, to whom I had listened many times. I researched the courses through Human Design America and decided Genoa would be my teacher throughout my professional training. I

continue my professional training with my colleagues through Human Design America. I love learning and sharing!

I have experienced profound inner awakenings since my introduction to Human Design. I see my life in a completely new way. I feel I went from black-and-white certainty to high definition openness. Over time I went through many challenges which Human Design helped me navigate. Very serious health issues and financial collapse. I am pleased to report It created an inner strength, health and success I had not known. Most of the time, my inner authority chooses what healing modalities I use.

I have had three long term relationships prior to Human Design. The theme was: what is wrong with everybody and how can I fix them. Not very coherent with my goal of unconditional love. I met my current partner through my inner authority continually saying yes. My mind was not happy with the idea however it was best choice for me. Understanding how we both operate through our body graph is invaluable. I experience authentic communication, more unconditional love, and growth with my partner.

I love Learning about health on all levels, being vegan, sun gazing, meditating, hiking, organic gardening, and relating to others.

Through dedication and excellent training I love being of service. I enjoy foundation analysis, connection chart analysis, cycles analysis and other readings I am qualified for. Interactive teaching is very fulfilling to me. I look forward to meeting you and learning about your goals of how Human Design might serve you.