Cheendana Martin


Professional Certifications: 
Analyst, LYD Guide and Teacher, Connection Chart Readings

Classes offered: Living Your Design

Foundation reading: $190 – 240 USD

Type: Projector with G authority
Profile: 1/3 on the RAX of Explanation
Location: Black Rock, Nova Scotia Canada

After my Foundation Reading in 2007, as I began to experiment with strategy and authority, an intriguing new sense of confidence, self-respect and dignity emerged. This helped me navigate my sensitivities with significantly more care and compassion for myself.

Through the grace of life, I met Genoa Bliven, director of Human Design America and co-founder of the Human Design School. I met Genoa in 2009 at the Annual Human Design Conference in Toronto. I did my complete Analyst Training through Human Design America, a stellar experience that was life changing. Since 2015, I have been part of a core group of advanced students who meet weekly with Genoa to develop and improve educational standards for the Human Design School.

Specialized classes with Becky Markley for projectors introduced me to an amazing group of women who have become some of my closest friends and colleagues. We have been meeting regularly since 2011.

I have been working as a Massage Therapist since 1985. Thereafter, I studied craniosacral balancing, co-counselling, diet, herbs, Yoga, meditation, creative writing.

My life partner and I created Avalon Gardens, a learning centre nestled in the woods in Nova Scotia, close to the infamous Bay of Fundy, home to the highest tides in the world. My partner died in 2017. We were together for 32 years.
As I move thru the depths of grief, I am currently emerging anew, ready to officially launch myself as a Professional Analyst, Guide and Educator. Its been an extraordinary ride.

In my “spare” time, I am in a canoe with my new beloved, camping and swimming in remote places in the wilderness. I also enjoy writing, travel, dancing and listening to a wide range of music.

Currently, I offer Foundation Reading, Connection Chart Analysis,Incarnation Cross and Cycles Analysis, Coaching and Support sessions, and online groups.

I was born May 10th, 1963 at 7:20am in Toronto. I am a 1/3 Projector with G center authority on the Right Angle Cross of Explanation. I look forward to investigating and discovering your chart with you.

It is with utmost gratitude to Ra Uru Hu for bringing the revelation of the Human Design System into the world. I am deeply dedicated to evolving this revolution for the benefit of those who are ready to wake up through using this exceptional system.

This system is a valuable tool for guiding honest communications, empathy, respect and sustainability for all my relations. I give thanks from the centre of my heart.