Karla Kadlec


Professional Certifications: 
Analyst, Living Your Design Guide, Rave ABC teacher

Classes offered:
Living Your Design

Email: karla@sageheart.ca
Foundation reading: $275 CAN

Type: Manifesting Generator 
Profile: 1/3
Location: Canada

In the spring of 2007 I was teaching an energy medicine course in Taiwan when a student of mine introduced me to Human Design. (That student was Jakub!) I recognized that Human Design might be one of those things that require my lifelong study. In December of 2007 Jakub gave me my first reading. I became more committed to following my response as an experiment, to see if I could trust what Human Design was telling me. In more recent years my response led me to train as an analyst with Human Design America as well as complete the training to become a Living Your Design Guide. Thank you to my teachers Jakub and Genoa for their support along the way in this process. 

I welcome you to join me on this evolutionary journey as we embrace our 9-centered selves in Living Your Design class.  We will create a container for truth and authenticity together as we explore the BodyGraph and learn from each other by sharing our lived experience and personal realizations. The world needs all the gifts and extraordinary talents of humanity. To recognize these gifts in yourself and in each other is an act of love and I am here for it! I live on the West Coast of Canada on Salt Spring Island. I look forward to meeting you wherever in the world you are!