Richard Corbett

Human Design Teacher
Living Your Design Teacher & Guide
Rave ABC Teacher

Professional Certifications: 
Living Your Design Guide, Analyst

Classes offered:
Living Your Design

Phone: 505699-2771

Foundational Reading: $250

Type: Emotional Manifesting Generator
Profile: 6/2
Location: Santa Fe, NM

I was introduced to the Human Design System in the spring of 1999.  I was immediately struck by the resonance I felt with my foundational reading and  the truth that spoke to me through the mechanics of my chart.  I began experimenting with my strategy and developed a personal relationship with my emotional inner authority and since that time my perspective on the world and my role and place in it changed forever.  I became an HD analyst at that time and gave hundreds of readings during the next ten years.  

Then, in 2009, I met Genoa Bliven from Human Design America.  He became my mentor, and I once again took all the analyst training courses to be current with the most up to date training to be a professional analyst.  It has now been over twenty years that I have been an International Human Design School Certified Analyst working with the Human Design System.  It has had a profound positive impact on my life, and I have seen the remarkable awakenings in the lives of the countless people I have helped introduce to Human Design.  

Sharing this knowledge with others has become my great passion in this life.  I love the simplicity, logic, and user-friendly nature of the system.  It is a body consciousness awareness tool that can easily help us find our true authenticity and personal integrity. It provides a straightforward alignment process for the self exploration of our higher self. It brings me great joy to introduce the mechanics of the body graph with all who are interested.